Diamond Nectar Fulvic Acid
Before humans started farming on an industrial level, fulvic acid was a byproduct found in hums, the organic part of soil. These micro-organisms have the ability to transfer vital nutrients from the soil into the plants that grow within it. From there, they wind up on your salad plant and in your stomach. These important nutrients are beneficial for your health and provide a range of benefits that cannot be received from other sources.
Fulvic Acid can be dissolved within water. When plants or humans intake some of it, it helps to provide balanced hydration. This allows the human body to speed up the passing of toxic substances. Toxic metals can build up over time and problems can develop. As Fulvic Acid goes through the body, it naturally binds with harmful metal ions. When Fulvic Acid leaves the body in urine or feces, it takes the excess metal compounds along with it.
Fulvic Acid
Another benefit of Fulvic Acid is its ability to help with the absorption of other nutrients. When taken before a meal, it can help your body to absorb the helpful vitamins and minerals in food. Temporarily, they can revitalize dying or dead cells and extend their effectiveness.
Proponents of Fulvic Acid take it to feel younger and more energized. When coupled with a diet high in vegetables and fruit, it can help you to feel peppier and have more stamina throughout the day. Reversing the harmful of effects of mineral deposits, it helps your body to function at its peak level.
As fields grow increasingly depleted of this important organic compound, people have to start getting Fulvic Acid from other sources. Many health care providers recommend taking Fulvic Acid as a way to boost the immune system and detoxify the body. Its effects on plants are even more noteworthy: with extra Fulvic Acid supplements, plants are stronger and healthier. This nutrient offers humans and plants alike the possibility to live heartier, more robust lives.
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