If you are a gardening fan, it may be frustrating to have cold winters that essentially kill off many of your favorite plants. You may have flirted with the idea of a greenhouse, but the expense of cooling and heating the area can be overwhelming. However, it is possible to sustain your greenhouse using natural resources, including strategic vent locations and solar energy. Start thinking about your indoor gardening goals today and plan for a successful installation tomorrow.
Look To The South
Ideally, you want a greenhouse that faces in a southerly direction. Whether the structure is freestanding or a lean-to construction, most of the greenhouse’s windows should face south. Every season provides you with ample sunlight for vigorous growth. For example, the summer sun does not directly enter the windows, allowing radiant light and heat into the greenhouse for slight warming and maximum photosynthesis. Winter, in contrast, has low angle sunlight entering the structure for increased warmth and successful photosynthesis. Your heating and cooling costs are minimal with proper greenhouse positioning.
Select Vent Locations
Do not arbitrarily locate air vents on your greenhouse. You need to find your structure’s natural air flow. Keep a log of the wind’s direction across your home to determine the average direction throughout the day. You want to place air vents on your greenhouse that take advantage of incoming air to ventilate and cool your plants. Indoor gardening relies on a constant exchange of air mass to keep plants healthy and transpiring effectively. Air should move through the greenhouse constantly for the best growing results.
Add Fans With Solar
Although you may have placed your air vents perfectly, wind flow may dwindle throughout the day. Add ceiling fans that blow air from the incoming vent to the exhaust area to keep your plants nourished with fresh carbon dioxide. These fans can be powered by small solar panels installed on your greenhouse’s ceiling, or simply tap into your home’s solar system, if equipped.
Indulge Your Home
If you have a lean-to greenhouse, take advantage of the extra oxygen output from the plants by opening up your home to the structure. Allow air to flow between the home and greenhouse. Do not heat or air condition the home with the greenhouse open, however. You want to benefit from the clean air and natural smells that plants provide.
Your greenhouse does not have to be expensive to run each month. Use your natural resources to keep the indoor plants healthy and thriving for many years of enjoyment.
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