Freshwater is not a necessity for irrigation. You might want to consider recycling water for watering your garden. Depending upon where you live, there are many ways for taking care of your garden’s water needs without drilling a well or paying exorbitant water bills.
Ponds and Lakes
Ponds and lakes are ideal sources of irrigation water. Whether created by nature or by humans, ponds and lakes can provide more than enough water for even large-scale irrigation. If a pond or lake is in the vicinity, you’ve got it made. Getting water from the source to your area is usually pretty simple. Since you won’t be irrigating in freezing weather, the piping can be above the frost line and installed temporarily. Very little will be required in the way of materials.
People used to collect rainwater from their roofs into a holding pool called a cistern. This could amount to gallons of water every time it rained. There are still numerous homes with cisterns under them. While it is unlikely that you will put a cistern in your basement or cellar, it is an awesome way of recycling water for your garden. Building a cistern today is easier in some ways and more complicated in others. Today, most building codes treat any holding vessel with a depth for water exceeding 18 inches as a swimming pool. Before building a cistern, check with your local code enforcement for rules and regulations.
Gray Water
Gray water doesn’t sound like something you would want to drink huh? It actually refers to a lukewarm, cloudy water that is mainly used for bathing, washing dishes, and doing laundry, but it can also be used for your garden. The best place to collect it from is your washing machine. Washing machines are equipped with a pump that transfers used water to a sewage pipe. With a little tinkering, you could divert this water to your garden. Just make sure the water is absorbed by the ground quickly and avoid using bleach, soaps that contain borax and sodium, and fabric softeners because those chemicals can harm your crops.
Collect Water From Plants
Place a container underneath your flower pots to catch water that has drained through. This water can be reused in your garden.
Cooking Water
The next time you cook some pasta, boil some eggs, or make a pot of tea, don’t dump the excess water down the drain. Instead, store the water in a large container for later use.
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