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RNA Pro (Tobacco Virus)

Hemp Mosaic Virus

The Hemp Mosaic Virus (HMV) is an intracellular parasite that infects plants by attaching itself to its RNA. The Hemp Mosaic Virus is part of the genus Tobamovirus, the most common of which is Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV). These viral RNA polymerases lack the proof-reading ability of DNA which makes vaccines extremely difficult to develop.

Mutations occur rapidly and this virus can reduce crop yields by 25% or more. In some cases entire crops can be lost. RNA Pro is a product that has been shown to effectively treat infected plants and allow gardeners to capture their crop’s full potential.

While it is true there is no vaccine to cure the Hemp Mosaic Virus, there is a particularly effective treatment. RNA Pro works by increasing the plant’s production of the protein coating that is meant to protect it from such viruses. By using RNA Pro the virus can not bind the plant’s RNA and thus the symptoms don’t proliferate. They may never manifest if used early enough as a preventative treatment. RNA Pro should be used every week until symptoms subside, but may only be necessary to apply every other week for maintenance once the infection is under control.  At RNA Pro we recommend that after harvesting, steps be taken to avoid re-contamination in the next growing cycle. These steps include sterilizing the entire room, equipment, and supplies with Physan 20. Outdoor farmers will have a more difficult time eradicating the infection but there has been success through incineration of all plant material.

RNA Pro was specifically developed in response to plants that were infected during an outbreak of the Hemp Mosaic Virus in 2010. The product was finally launched in the summer of 2012. It has been the culmination of both, intensive scientific research and laboratory analysis. We have determined through thousands of hours of study RNA Pro’s effectiveness in combating the symptoms the Hemp Mosaic Virus. The product works by increasing a plant’s production of a natural hormone which is responsible for the manufacture of a specific protein coating. This protective coating is what prevents the Hemp Mosaic Virus and other viruses from attaching to the plant’s genetic material. As a result, RNA Pro successfully prevents mutations in a wide range of crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers.  Finally there is a product that can help in the treatment of the Hemp Mosaic Virus. No more low yields and poor quality!

RNA Pro is effective in treating all of the following viruses, but not limited to;

  • Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
  • Bell pepper mosaic virus (BPeMV)
  • Cactus mild mottle virus (CMMoV)
  • Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV)
  • Cucumber virus 4 (CV4)
  • Frangipani virus (FV)
  • Hibiscus latent Fort Pierce virus (HLFPV)
  • Hibiscus latent Singapore virus (HLSV)
  • Maracuja mosaic virus (MarMV)
  • Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV)
  • Rattail cactus necrosis associated virus (RCNaV)
  • Ribgrass mosaic virus (HRV)
  • Sammons’ opuntia virus (SOV)
  • Sunn-hemp mosaic virus (SHMV)
  • Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) and U2 – tobacco mosaic virus (T2MV)
  • Turnip vein-clearing virus (TVCV)
  • Hemp Mosaic Virus (HMV)
  • Wasabi mottle virus (WMoV)
  • Youcai mosaic virus (YoMV) aka oilseed rape mosaic virus (ORMV)
  • Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV)
  • Chara corallina virus (CCV)
  • Nicotiana velutina mosaic virus (NVMV)
  • Peanut clump virus (PCV)
  • Potato mop-top virus (PMTV)
  • Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV)
  • Streptocarpus flower break virus (SFBV)
  • cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV)
  • cucumber fruit mottle mosaic virus (CFMMV)

RNA Pro stands behind the effectiveness of its product 100%. All product is guaranteed to treat these viruses if used as directed. If you are not completely satisfied with the results please contact us here and we will gladly return your order. We want to make sure all our customers, are happy customers!


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Place Categories: Hydroponic Manufacturers.

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6 reviews

  1. The Hagerman's, April 27, 2013 1:12 pm - RNA Pro (Tobacco Virus)

    RNA Pro is worth every penny. My plants were growing really slow and looked lifeless. I’ve been growing for 15 years. I bought some plants that were infected and the problem grew like wild fire to my other Genetics. I never seen problems like this. I tried RNA pro, now everything is stronger and the vigorous is back. The weird leaf growth has stopped. Thanks RNA Pro! PS… Thanks for the coupon to use on my next order awesome savings. I’ll tell all my friends.

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    • Don Culp, January 2, 2017 9:11 pm - RNA Pro (Tobacco Virus)

      Where did you get this product?

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  2. happy happy happy, April 29, 2013 11:14 pm - RNA Pro (Tobacco Virus)

    Just wanted to post my experience with this product. I have been having issues for about two years and had ruled out everything I could think of. I was at the end of my rope! Until I started doing some research about viruses. I learned a lot and eventually came across RNA pro. I was very sceptical at first, there is very little information out there about this product. The web site seemed a little amateurish at best and the posts i saw online promoting it seemed a little sketchy. After giving it a try for a whole round my yield went back up to where they used to be and quality was well improved. the plants are still infected and show some signs of the virus, but have returned to there old vigor. This is not a cure all and wont fix grower mistakes but it definitely works as advertised. Overall I Am very happy with the results!

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  3. RandyJ, December 6, 2013 11:05 pm - RNA Pro (Tobacco Virus)

    Never even knew there was such thing as a Tobacco Virus….that’s what must have been wrong with my plants after all these years. I’m glad I came across this product on the internet. I just started using it a month or two ago and my plants are already looking better than they ever have. Guess it’s a sign I should quit smoking.

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  4. DJAmes, December 1, 2014 10:24 pm - RNA Pro (Tobacco Virus)

    I was skeptical at first but decided to give it a try since I had no other options. The price is high but it works really well and it saved my round. That made it definetly worth the price. the $300 bottle made me over 2400 so I guess I shouldnt complain too much about the price. To anyone that is skeptical like I was just go for it! The plants never looked healthier after using it for only 2 weeks.

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    • Amber Lionudakis, August 23, 2016 1:30 am - RNA Pro (Tobacco Virus)

      where can I buy it Ive
      been looking everywhere

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  5. Jack, December 16, 2016 7:24 am - RNA Pro (Tobacco Virus)

    Not helpful at all, links are either broken or out of date. Can’t find the this product for sale anywhere, probably went out of business since i was last researching this product a couple years ago. Thanks anyway for wasting time.

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  6. James Fanjoy, January 19, 2017 3:19 am - RNA Pro (Tobacco Virus)

    Was this a scam? is that why it can’t be found?

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