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Can Medical Marijuana Treat my Ailments?

Medicinal marijuana, although a highly disputed topic, can be very beneficial to treat many ailments. There are no claims that it will cure disease, but the idea of alleviating symptoms in those suffering from debilitating illness is real. It has been linked to provide relief in those carrying diagnoses of cancer, HIV, arthritis of all types, neurological disorders, glaucoma, and severe anxiety, among many others. The benefits that Cannabis can provide to these patients include, but are not limited to, increased appetite, decreased nausea and neurogenic pain, relief from migraines and restlessness caused by anxiety, and has even been linked to slowing the growth of tumors. THC is the element of the marijuana that can be attributed to the relief of symptoms. The quality of the product used is VERY important. It should be purchased, legally, through a Dispensary as a prescription would be purchased through a pharmacy. In these cases, Cannabis is the prescription, and should be treated as such. Introduction of Cannabis into the body is not done solely through inhalation, as many believe. There are many other, less hazardous ways to employ the use of this medication. There are now capsules, extracts, and methods of vaporization available. Much of the controversy surrounding this topic, in my opinion, is related to lack of knowledge on the subject, as well as the social stigma associated with its use. Let’s educate ourselves!

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1 review

  1. skyhigh, January 27, 2012 6:46 pm - Can Medical Marijuana Treat my Ailments?

    I believe that the simple fact that cannabis relieves stress can have a huge impact on your health. if we stayed positive and stayed away from all the poisons they recommend to us at such an early age, we would probably be much better off!

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