Derived from all natural ingredients, iNATURE’s Dragon Juice is the plant spray of choice for any environmentally conscious gardener. All Dragon Juice products are easy to use by spraying over plants in a simple, one-step application process. Because Dragon Juice contains complex carbohydrates instead of chemicals, it is completely safe to use in any garden with lady bugs, bees or any other useful insects. Dragon Juice is not a pesticide, but healthy plants will be strong enough to withstand attacks from most tiny garden pests.
The safe, scientifically formulated line of Dragon Juice products is as gentle to plants as it is nourishing. It will not harm plants or the environment, and you can use it as often as daily or as little as once a week, depending on the needs of your plants and which Dragon Juice you order. Dragon Juice comes in four incredibly effective varieties, and each one contains the same environmentally friendly carbohydrate formula.
Because Dragon Juice is in a concentrated form, you can avoid the high shipping costs associated with plant sprays that come in large bottles and jugs. All you need is chlorine-free or distilled water that has not been through reverse osmosis. Best of all, iNature prices Dragon Juice competitively, and a little goes a long way. With the exception of Dragon Fire, which requires a complex application process, the Dragon Juice product line is safe to use even if you’re a beginner and haven’t used a foliar spray before.
The original and most popular Dragon Juice formula is known for its highly nourishing qualities. There are two size options available for purchase, in 0.37 oz. and 8 oz. containers. The 0.37 oz. container makes 1 quart of spray, while the 8 oz. container makes 6-8 gallons. The mixing process is incredibly simple, and all you need to do is spray the product all over the entire plant.
Dragon Juice contains only from natural ingredients found in the earth and come from ingestible plants, so it is completely non-toxic to both humans and pets. Dragon Juice is safe for beneficial insects, so there is no need to worry about using the product in a garden with lady bugs and bees.
This foliar spray provides the natural nutrients that plants need to grow in optimal conditions. Maximum growth is possible with daily use, but the effects of Dragon Juice are obvious even when used as little as once a week. The results in plant growth and vitality are immediate upon use of Dragon Juice, and you will never want or need to use a different product. Dragon Juice conditions plants and gives them the strength and vitality to fight off disease and harmful pests on their own.
Dragon Juice is effective not only as a plant conditioner, but as a fertilizer, wash, wetting agent, and growth formula. Use as a daily or weekly foliar application for your garden.
The Xtreme Dragon Juice formula is incredibly popular as it builds upon the conditioning power of the original formula while boosting growth and plant health even more. There are two Xtreme Dragon Juice size options available for purchase in 0.25 oz., 0.5 oz., and 8 oz. containers. The 0.25 oz. container makes 1 quart of spray. The 0.5 oz. container makes ½ gallon of spray, while the 8 oz. container makes 8-12 gallons.
Xtreme Dragon Juice is a highly concentrated version of Original Dragon Juice. For the best application, use 2/3 to 1 oz. of distilled water for every gallon of Xtreme Dragon Juice used. Be sure to coat all plants fully including leaves and stems, and mix the solution well before application. Cover both sides of plant leaves, flowers and fruit for the best results. It is even completely safe to use the Xtreme Dragon Juice formula on fruits and flowers.
Like the Original Dragon Juice, Xtreme Dragon Juice contains only natural ingredients, and is completely safe to use in any garden environment. Beneficial insects and animals will suffer no consequences from the consumption of plants treated with Xtreme Dragon Juice.
Dragon Juice PM2 is another fully organic foliar plant spray. While Original Dragon Juice and Dragon Juice Xtreme are conditioners, Dragon Juice PM2 is a strong plant wash. Dragon Juice PM2 neutralizes problems on the flowers, stalks, and leaves of your plants with just one use. Dragon Juice PM2 can even be used on fruits at the last minute as long as you wash it off before harvesting.
All you have to do is mix 1 gallon of distilled water with 2 oz. of Dragon Juice PM2, then shake the solution thoroughly. You only need to apply the solution once, but you can apply it every two weeks when necessary. Apply the Dragon Juice PM2 solution to every part of the plant. After examining the plant the following day for any parts you may have missed, apply Dragon Juice PM2 to the untreated parts of the plant. For best results, apply Dragon Juice Xtreme or Original Dragon Juice to the plant the following day and the day after that after treating it with Dragon Juice PM2.
Dragon Juice PM2 is highly concentrated like other Dragon Juice products and comes in three size options. 0.5 ounces will make 1 quart, 2 ounces will make 1 gallon, and 8 ounces will make 4 gallons.
Dragon Fire is an advanced wash product meant for advanced gardeners. Like the other Dragon Juice products from iNature, Dragon Fire is fully organic, safe to use around humans and pets, and derived from complex carbohydrates. However, Dragon Fire is somewhat more complex than the other Dragon Juice products, and following the instructions carefully is vital. Dragon Fire is only recommended for use during the final two weeks before it’s time to harvest your plant.
The mixing process is as straightforward as the mixing process for the other Dragon Juice products, but the application process is different. Dragon Fire is an organic, chemical-free product, but it can still burn your plant if used improperly. Dragon Fire is the strongest Dragon Juice and should only be used by experienced gardeners who keep calendars for their plants to prevent product overuse.
Always wear rubber gloves and eye protection while handling Dragon Fire. Dragon Fire is fully organic, but it is still a strong solution. Spray the entire plant on both sides of the leaves and, if necessary, between the flowers. For best results, especially if your plant is having problems, take care to spray every inch of your plant. Apply Dragon Fire two consecutive days exactly two weeks before it is time to harvest. After five days, re-apply Dragon Fire for two consecutive days, then wait another five days. Carefully apply the product to any problem areas. You can spray the plant with water for the next three days. Leave the plant alone for the last two days before harvesting.
Like the other Dragon Juice products, Dragon Fire comes in a highly concentrated form. Just 2 ounces will make 1 gallon of Dragon Fire solution, and the 8 ounce bottle will make 4 gallons.
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