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Advantages of Hydroponic Gardening


The soil-less gardening method, hydroponics, offers many distinct benefits that cannot be found in traditional soil gardening. This method is used and preferred by many avid gardeners and sworn by some to be the most effective way to garden. While it does require more work and care for the plants, hydroponics could be your best option for gardening.

If you happen to live in an apartment or other living area which does not have any available land to garden, hydroponics could be the right option for you. This soil-less alternative offers you the ability to grow your crops anywhere indoors where you would have room for the proper equipment. Being able to grow your own vegetables and fruits in the confines of your own home is an indispensable advantage that hydroponics has over traditional gardening.

Because hydroponic gardening requires no soil, there are also no weeds! This means that all those long tedious hours laboring over removing the weeds from your crops is gone, which leaves you more time to care for the crops themselves. The need for pesticides is also dramatically reduced as there is almost no need to spray a crop with pesticides that is indoors.

The taste and nutrition of hydroponically grown fruits and vegetables are considered by many to be far superior to soil grown foods. Studies claim that as much as 50% of the nutritional value of store bought and soil grown foods is lost. This has the potential to effectively double your crop in terms of nutrients. You will also notice that the taste of your hydroponically grown foods is much tastier than ones that are soil grown.

With soil gardening, you are at the mercy of the elements. Any change in outside factors has the potential to completely destroy your crop. With hydroponics, you can forget about this worry all together, as the plants you are growing are kept healthy in the safety of your own home. A storm that could completely kill your neighbors crop would leave yours untouched and just as healthy as before.

The choice between soil growing and hydroponics is one that is up to the individual, but many have found hydroponics to be the clear choice. It is one of the only available gardening methods that keeps your crops safe, healthy, and nutritious. After the initial investment in equipment, you wont have any regrets!

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