Hydroponic PH Levels
By geotheme at November 30, 2011 | 6:02 am | 1 Comments
Hydroponic PH Importance The article below will explain the importance of PH Balance in Hydroponic Growing What would happen if you woke up one morning and looked out your window and your plants were three times the size they were the day before? Well this is not a fairy tale of a boy who planted a seed and woke up the next day to a bean stalk that went to the
High Pressure Sodium vs Metal Halide Grow Lights
By geotheme at November 29, 2011 | 7:18 pm | 3 Comments
High Pressure Sodium Grow Lights vs Metal Halide Grow Lights The article below will explain the differences between High Pressure sodium Grow Lights and Metal Halide Grow Lights Thinking about a little indoor gardening this winter? Whether you want healthy salad greens, tasty herbs or flowers in the gray of winter, consider growing some plants inside. Gardening--inside,
Hydroponic Growing Pros and Cons
By geotheme at November 23, 2011 | 12:41 am | 1 Comments
Hydroponic Growing has it Pros and Cons The Article Below explains the Pros and Cons of hydroponic indoor growing Hydroponics: Pros and Cons Hydroponics is a method of crop cultivation where the plants roots are usually submerged in a nutrient solution or periodically misted with the solution. Hydroponics has both advantages and disadvantages.
Growing with Hydroponics and Aeroponics
By geotheme at October 27, 2011 | 12:09 am | 3 Comments
Growing with Hydroponics and Aeroponics by: GreenBookPages.com Aeroponics and Hydroponics Solution Culture is one of the two main techniques used in Hydroponic gardening. When using the Solution Culture Method there is no solid medium, only the nutrient solution. There are three basic ways to this: Static Solution Culture, Continuous-Flow Solution Culture, and
Hydroponics and Solid Mediums
By geotheme at October 26, 2011 | 11:18 pm | 0 Comment
Hydroponics and growing with Solid Mediums Rockwool and Hydrotons are only a few mediums one can utilize in hydroponics When using Medium Culture Hydroponics the plants roots are planted in a solid medium and each subcategory is named after the medium used. The main mediums used in Medium Culture are: Expanded Clay, Rock Wool, Coir, Perlite, pumice, Vermiculite,
Marijuana Smokers May Have a Lower Risk of Obesity
By geotheme at September 8, 2011 | 11:32 pm | 1 Comments
Think Marijuana smokers get the munchies and gain weight? Read below about how marijuana smokers have a lower risk of obesity Despite the tendency of marijuana users to experience the "munchies," marijuana smokers may have a lower risk of obesity that those who don't use the drug, a new study finds. The results show the prevalence of obesity is lower among people who
Powder Mold Solutions
By geotheme at August 26, 2011 | 10:39 pm | 1 Comments
Is Powder Mold a menace to your garden? Read below to find out someways to fix your powder mold problem Powder mold is a problem with growing plants. A good way to recognize powder mold is by the grayish white color. There are many ways to cure your plants of powder mold. Some of the signs of powder mold are spots on both the top and bottom of the leaves. They can also
Hydroponic Plant Growing
By geotheme at July 28, 2011 | 4:13 am | 0 Comment
Did you know that hydroponic plant growth can yield two to three times more produce than those planted in regular soil? Hydroponic methods of planting have many benefits over and above that of soil crops. I found myself a disbeliever at first, but as I researched further, I found that the potential of hydroponics far outweighed that of traditional gardening. As a novice
Can Medical Marijuana Treat my Ailments?
By geotheme at July 28, 2011 | 4:01 am | 1 Comments
Medicinal marijuana, although a highly disputed topic, can be very beneficial to treat many ailments. There are no claims that it will cure disease, but the idea of alleviating symptoms in those suffering from debilitating illness is real. It has been linked to provide relief in those carrying diagnoses of cancer, HIV, arthritis of all types, neurological disorders,
Dangers of Growing
By geotheme at July 28, 2011 | 3:54 am | 1 Comments
I have been in the growing business in Northern California for a long time and I can tell you this; there are three things that are the biggest threat and danger to your well being and can cause the biggest potential harm and they go like this in this order. Danger # One: FIRE! Fire is the biggest threat to your well being and to others. Dealing with
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