34% H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide
Our 34% H2O2 Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is specially formulated to meet the demands of a wide range of plant cultivators. Growers are faced with the issue of increased threats to all plant species due to adverse climates and environmental factors, as well as on a microscopic level. The sometimes underestimated ability and will of single and multiple celled organisms to adapt and evolve, goes overlooked and unchecked. The solution? Hydrogen 2o2 34% Food Grade H2O2.
Pest Defense Using Hydrogen Peroxide
The world of micro-pests can be a grower’s biggest battle. These tiny, sometimes invisible creatures range from spider mites and aphids, to molds and mildew. They are constantly adapting and developing increased resistance to synthetic chemicals and products that are commonly used to thwart them and their destruction of precious plants, gardens and crops. Hydrogen 2o2 34% Food Grade H2O2 is a naturally occurring molecular compound. Our 34% Hydrogen Peroxide is blended using an auto A.O. process, and it is this natural synastry between hydrogen and oxygen that will defend against pathogens, bacteria and viruses without the increasing resistance we so often see when using many traditional products on the market today. Use as a general purpose cleaner and to increase the oxygen content in reservoir water and root zones.
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Place Categories: Hydrogen 202 and Plant Care.
KStar, Jun 03, 2013 - 34% H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide
I bought Hydrogen 2o2 H2O2 for cleaning my g room and equipment and works killer for that. I also tried using it on a plant that was starting to get powdery mildew on it some of its leaves and it seems to have cleared up so I’m pretty stoked about that.
Sam, May 23, 2013 - 34% H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide
This is great if you’re using soil since most bags come with those micro-sized pests. I use this once a week on my feed schedule, haven’t seen any bugs since I’ve started using it.