Apache Tech Red & Blue LED Grow Light

  • Apache Tech Red & Blue LED Grow Light

The 7:2 ratio of red to blue light is idea for stimulating superior production for multiple crops. Simulates the action spectra (the spectrum which the plants primarily utilizes for photosynthesis).

These lights are suitable for the grower that is looking to maximize their production while minimizing the energy utilized to obtain the light required for maximum.

Additionally, the very low heat generated by the lights allows the array to be placed much closer to the canopy, increasing light output (PPF) that the plant receives.

Ideal ratio of red to blue to induce flowering and increasing total yield. Custom Color Ratios can be ordered.

120/240V input
Blue peak at 470 nm
Red peak at 630 nm
7:2 ratio of red/blue
Power consumption 156W
Two quiet cooling fans
14° or 50° lense angle
RoHS, CE, UL certificates

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Apache Tech LED Grow Lights
Apache Tech LED grow lights are fantastic because they allow people to grow plants in areas that are completely closed off from the sunlight. With this type of light they will be able to grow flowering plants, as well as vegetables and other greens. Having the Apache Tech LED is fantastic for indoor use, since it is made to allow plants to grow without direct sunlight.

Lots of apartment dwellers find that this type of light works well for them because they have no where to plant out on the land. They can get different sized lights and place them in various parts of the interior of their dwelling in order to grow plants. Many people with homes without good sunlight through the windows, also love to use this type of lighting. They will be able to grow the things they want to, and the plants will get the right amount of light in order to grow at a normal pace.

The Apache LED grow lights come in various sizes. The white lights are great for growing anywhere. There are also excellent lighting models that will help to grow plants in a greenhouse. For getting the absolute best flowering abilities for plants, there are special lights that use blue lighting to enhance the growth. Having all these types of varieties available allows a person to find just what kind will suit their needs. They will be able to grow the type of plants they are interested in.

Using the Apache LED grow lights will prove to assist a plant lover for many reasons. Since they are durable and last a long time, the bulbs will not need to be changed that often. They will give the plant lover the ability to grow indoors all year round, even if they live in a colder climate. Having the ability to grow all types of plants will give them the pleasure of having a garden or yard full of wonderful vegetation, except they will be able to do so inside their dwellings. Prices vary on different models, and the positive aspects of having this type of light will be worth it.

Place Categories: Apache Tech and Fluorescents & LEDS.

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