Atami Root Stimulator

  • atamiroot

Root Stimulator

It is known that the quality of a plant exists for 50% below ground. So a large and healthy root system is a significant contributor to a well-developed plant. To make this possible, this root stimulator causes an explosive growth of the root system and has an inhibitory effect on soil diseases such as Pythium, Fusarium and root lice. This root stimulator will also give the soil life a huge boost, causing the plant to absorb more nutrients from the substrate in an easier manner. The roots will quickly ramify and particularly the size of the root volume will increase, giving the plant more grip. Its size above ground will also expand. Also, the plant with a well-developed and well-anchored root system can bear more floral bunches in the final stage, which eventually will result in a better harvest!

Add to the nutrient solution from the first week onward. Can be used daily in the irrigation of the crop. Replace by B’cuzz Booster from the second week onwards.

Dosage (1:1000):
1 ml per litre of water.

Quality guaranteed:
The stimulators and liquid nutrients of Atami are packed and sealed lighttight under the twistable cap, so the quality remains guaranteed.

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Place Categories: Atami and Nutrient Additives.

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