B’cuzz Blossom Builder Liquid

  • bcuzzblos

B’cuzz Blossom Builder Liquid

Blossom Builder Liquid®.
Blossom Builder Liquid® is a finisher/hardener that should be used in the final 4-2 weeks of the bloom and riping stage of the plant.
It will maximize the structure of your fruits.

Blossom Builder Liquid® contains a unique P: K ratio of 1 :1,5.
Blossom Builder Liquid® is suitable for all sorts of cultivation substrates like Soil, Hydro and coco and all irrigation systems.

Directions for Use:
Mix your usual base nutrients, then add 0.25 ml to 0.5 ml Blossom Builder Liquid® per 1000 ml water in your reservoir.

0.25 ml- 0.5 ml : 1000 ml

Key Selling points :
1) Highly concentrated. 0.25 ml to 0.50 ml per liter nutrition solution.
2) Especially created for the final 4 to 2 weeks of the blooming phase.
3) When used correctly it can lead your flowers to strong, healthy, good looking and big flowers with a good weight and aroma.
4) Due to the unique formulation of Blossom Builder Liquid® you will get the desired end results.
5) In a nutrition reservoir of 100 liter, you will only need a maximum of 50 ml of Blossom Builder Liquid®

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Place Categories: Atami and Nutrient Additives.

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