BioBizz Fish-Mix

  • fishmix 1000ml USA cutout


Fish·Mix™ has long been a loyal friend to gardeners, feeding their plants and the soil. The mixture of Dutch sugar beet vinasse and hydrolyzed (enzyme-digested) fish protein provides nutrition for plant growth. A Fish·Mix™ boost provides nutrition to stimulate the growth of microorganisms and useful bacteria in every type of soil and coco based substrates.

In keeping with the requirement of organic farming, Fish·Mix™ is not extracted with acids or stabilized with BHT. It is mild enough to be used in the first stages of a plants life or sprayed directly onto leaves during the vegetative stages of growth. This item comes in three different sizes. 500ML, 1L, 5L, 10L.

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Place Categories: BioBizz and Organic Nutrients.

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