BioBizz Try Pack Outdoor

  • Outdoor

If the climate in your region allows it and outdoor cultivation is your choice but you don´t know how to start, let Biobizz® make it easy for you. Try our Outdoor·Pack, one of the four members of the recently launched family of Biobizz® Try·packs.

Get to grow like a pro with a high quality complete pack that has been designed to be easy to handle, easy to use, easy to combine* and easy to pay.

The Outdoor-pack contains Bio·Bloom™, Fish·Mix™ and Top·Max™. A combination that will allow the outdoor grower to gain experience with the Biobizz® fertilizers range as it provides basic feeding for 1-4 plants.

Biobizz® Fish·Mix™ contained in this pack boosts all the natural minerals and (micro)organisms and stimulates the production of useful bacteria. The high levels of proteins will also help to create a rich outdoor substrate. But remember, don´t try it at home or you will have to keep the windows open for a week!

Let the  growing experience begin with Biobizz® Try·pack™ !

* Use with any other Biobizz® products or Try·packs to maximize crop and minimize costs.

Biobizz® Outdoor pack contains:

- Bio·Bloom™ – 250 ML
- Fish·Mix™ – 250ML
- Top·Max™ – 250 ML

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Place Categories: BioBizz and Organic Nutrients.

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