Botanicare Slacker

  • SlackerBags

Premium Hybrid Grow Media

Work smarter, not harder…

Quality is as important as yield in today’s competitive market. Slacker was crafted with this in mind. By combining 100% high pith coco fiber with premium organics and inputs, Slacker allows you to achieve the highest possible yield without compromising quality, flavors and aromas.

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Available in moisture and aeration formulas, Slacker is completely peat free and combines our 100% high pith coco fiber with carefully sourced organics, along with unique inputs such as Hydrolite® and parboiled rice hulls. By combining a soilless coco coir base with a complete range of select organic inputs, this premium blend provides the best of both worlds. Slacker produces organic quality flavors and aromas with hydroponic growth rates. Why settle when you can have both? Slacker comes pre-buffered, charged, and pH balanced so it’s ready to use right out of the bag.

Ingredients: CocoGro® High Pith Coconut Coir, Hydrolite® (Silica Based Rock), Rice Hulls, Perlite, Compost, Earthworm Castings, Bat Guano, Alfalfa Meal, Montmorillonite, Seaweed, Yucca Extract, Humic Acid, Trichoderma Fungi.

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Place Categories: Botanicare and Growing Media.

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