Organic Bountea
Organic Bountea is a privately owned company that aims to provide the highest quality, most effective products and plant growing solutions. We promote what we term a bio-organic approach to plant growth and soil ecology. Our products are biologically active and completely natural with beneficial microorganisms, essential minerals and proprietary ingredients.
The Evans Family
Organic Bountea was founded by John Evans and is directed by Roland Evans. The Evans family has a lineage of dedicated gardeners starting with Violet R. H. Evans, at Ffrwdgrech House in Wales (see picture).
The Inventor
John Evans, the inventor of Bountea products, is a gardening wizard with over 400 first place awards for quality vegetables, 9 World Records for Giant Vegetables and 18 Alaska State records. Watch John show the World Record results of the Bountea Compost Tea System in The Secret is in the Soil.
Bountea Projects
As a fundamental part of our mission, Organic Bountea supports non-profit projects that promote sustainable agriculture, organic gardening and education:
BounTeach Educational Projects
Susila Dharma Sustainable Agricultural Project in Kalimantan
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Place Categories: Bountea, Organic Nutrients, and Plant Care.

Tawnie, Sep 25, 2013 - Bountea Bioactivator
I’ve been using Bountea’s system for over a year, as foliar & tea & feed. My plants are healthy, yields are awesome & everything looks & smells great! Thanks Bountea
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growbig707, Sep 17, 2013 - Bountea Bioactivator
my plants will have never looked so good. gotta have the bountea
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