For those that need efficient air-cooling, the LumeCool has 6”integrated air-cool fittings for maximum air movement. The internal reflective surface is made from AlumaBrite, a highly reflective imported aluminum. The socket assembly and 15′ lamp cord are built into the reflector. It comes complete with tempered glass and wire hangers. It will accommodate all bulb sizes. It measures 20.625” x 18.125” x 8.5”. Vent to vent measures 24.75″. Comes with a Lifetime Warranty.
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Place Categories: C.A.P. and Grow Light Reflectors.
Timmy, Feb 08, 2013 - C.A.P. LumenAire 6″ and 8 ” Reflector
I have the Radiant 6″. Apparently it’s the best at getting maximum light to a 4×4 area. Plus it has the better speckled reflective material versus the plain polished one.
I’m running it with a 400mh on a Lumatek digital. I find with it around 13″ from my plants, that the outside plants are leaning in towards the light. So it has to be raised a bit more to spread the light out more.
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