CAP CO2 Monitor/Controller PPM-1c

  • PPM-1c-250

The PPM-1c is an extremely accurate CO2 sensor. It measures the exact level of CO2 in your growing area and displays this value from 0 to 5000 Parts-Per-Million (PPM) on its’ digital readout. Even though the PPM-1c can be used as a simple way to measure your CO2 level, the true potential of the PPM-1c is not realized until it is connected to one of the controllers C.A.P. has designed to work with it. When the PPM-1c is connected to either the CO2-2e , CO2-4e or CGC-1e, it commands the controllers to release or produce more CO2 only when required. The timers built into the atmosphere controllers continue to coordinate with the PPM-1c to give you the precision control not possible with other manufacturers CO2 control systems using only ON/OFF control. You enter the exact level of CO2 you want to maintain (usually 1500 PPM) and you’re done.

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  1. nick, Feb 08, 2013 - CAP CO2 Monitor/Controller PPM-1c

    This is great if your on budget and looking for means to control your Co2. Simply plug it in and piggie back your Co2 device into the supplied relay/plug. Easy to read indication lights.
    This device is not programmable and I personally like ppm levels around 1100-1200. This unit shuts off at 1499+ppm and clicks on when it drifts down to 900ppm I believe.

    One thing I was bummed about was I was sent a used unit, but I did not care seeing that I had a warranty. This unit stopped working about after 3 months of use. I ordered a new one and sent back the broken one for a return.

    Like I say it is a nice unit to get your foot in the door but once you can afford, get a real unit that is programmable and controls heating, cooling, humidity, ext……

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