CAP Variable Fan Speed Controller Day/Night

  • vsc-dne-250

The Variable Fan Speed Controller is engineered to adjust the speed of centrifugal and inline fans based on the rate of temperature change within a growing environment. Using “Fuzzy-Logic”, the controller has three operational settings which allow this unit to streamline the air exchange of every type of garden, and is compatible with all major fan types. User set points allow for maximum control of your garden in every setting. These settings include: two low operational speed settings (Low-Op or MIN) always on positions for rooms with sensitive air pressure requirements, and an Energy Efficient OFF setting which only operates the fan when the temperature sensor reads a variation form the desired set point. The temperature set point has three differential options ranging from 3, 5 and 7 degrees. The VSC-DNe comes with a 12′ temperature sensor. Day and Night temperature knobs can be set between 50° and 100° independently. Built-in photocell allows the controller to automatically adjust fan speed temperature ranges based on the presence of light. The VSC-DNe is rated for 6 amps@ 120 volts. 5 Year No-Hassle Warranty. MADE IN THE USA

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Place Categories: C.A.P. and Controllers.

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