• CO2 EASI


The operation of CO2 EASi.

CO2 bottle and regulator not includedCO2 EASi is intelligent control of CO2. At the same time, an Intelligent temperature controller when the optional COOL KIT (or Dual CoolKit) is attached. US/Canada, Europe, UK and Oceania kits are available, all ready to run straight out of the box.

In Light ON periods (Day):
The controller will maintain the maximum CO2 PPM for the longest duration it can, aggressively maintaining CO2 at just above your target ppm value, continuously learning the flow rate to predict accurate cutoff and optimum growth concentrations.

It uses the COOL output to try to keep temp within 2’C/F of the Target Temperature (say 25’C/75’F).
If the temp rises too high (or there is no COOL unit), the FANS are activated at Max Temp, say 32’C/90’F.

In Lights OFF (night) periods:
The controller does not need to maintain high CO2 levels, so uses FANS primarily for temperature control and initial venting of CO2. Uses COOL output if the temperature stays/gets too high (as when hot outside air is being drawn in)

Efficiency Monitoring.
CO2 EASi includes an “Efficiency % monitor”.
This unique Harvest Master feature is calculating how efficiently your room is operating!
• If FANS are activated, this is “wasted CO2 ”, reducing the efficiency.
• If COOL is activated, 99% efficiency is possible.

If you have been achieving high efficiency, but suddenly see a low efficiency rating, are;
• Door seals ok?
• CO2 device operating properly?
• Cooling unit operating OK?
What is wrong, that you may not have noticed otherwise!

Usage monitoring.
CO2 EASi has a “bottle life” timer.
Another unique Harvest Master feature!
• When emptied, select “New Tank” to reset the timer.

• Shows “% of Last tank used”, so you know when to get a new tank organized.
• Or, that this bottle lasted less, or longer than the last one.

On board CO2 re-calibration feature for quick and easy recalibrating of the dual laser sensor.

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Place Categories: Co2 Components and Harvest Market.

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  1. Ricky, May 23, 2013 - CO2 EASI

    You can connect this to a mini generator. It releases C02 at a steady pace, I don’t think you can on this version but I know the Harvest Master Pro has a texting feature…its more expensive though. My favorite part about this machine is that it lets you know how effieciently you are using your C02!

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