
  • coconotbag

CocoNot is a natural substitute for coconut coir, peat moss and other soilless mediums and conditioners. A proprietary method is used to grind a specific layer of sustainably harvested redwood into six different shapes and sizes. The material is then blended with the fibers of a Kapok fruit to add a lignin substance, creating a medium where plants thrive!

Completely saturate CocoNot before planting.
No need to fertilize for the first 5-10 days.
Use CocoNot as a standalone growing medium in ebb and flow, drain to waste and top feed systems.
For ease of use try the EcoPot; a General Hydroponics 8″ CocoTek Basket pre-filled with CocoNot.
To lighten potting soil add CocoNot until desired blend is reached.
To add porosity and drainage to any medium add CocoNot until desired blend is reached.
Mix 1 bag of VermiBlend (1 cu ft) to 1 bag of CocoNot (2 cu ft) to create 33% VermiBlend, 66% CocoNot mixture.
Water as necessary dependent on environmental conditions.
CocoNot is light in nature and thus dries quickly in outdoor conditions.
NOT recommended as an outdoor standalone medium.
For ease of use try the EcoPot; 100% biodegradable pre-filled pot that transplants straight into the ground.
To lighten natural soil use 1 bag of CocoNot per 10 sq ft of natural soil.
To lighten potting soil add CocoNot until desired blend is reached.
Mix 1 bag of VermiBlend (1 cu ft) to 1 bag of CocoNot (2 cu ft) to create 33% VermiBlend, 66% CocoNot mixture.
Water as necessary dependent on environmental conditions.


Total Nitrogen (N) 1%
0.431% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.24% Nitrate Nitrogen
0.319% Water Soluble Nitrogen
0.01% Water Insoluble NItrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O2) 0.1%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 0.9%

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Place Categories: Growing Media and Vermicrop Organics.

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