Using innovative technology, Silver Nutrient Solutions, LLC, manufactures the highest-grade ionic colloidal silver for hydroponic and agriculture use. Colloidal silver is a natural elemental antibiotic known to kill and prevent disease and pests and over 650 harmful pathogens. By adding Colloidal Shield to your nutrient solution or reservoir, nano particles of silver bind to—and suffocate—any pathogen present in your feeding solution, resulting in pathogen-free uptake into your plants! Besides being one of the purest elemental disinfectants on the market, Colloidal Shield works systemically when the silver is broken down by micro-organisms, in turn repairing damaged cell walls. For more information on Colloidal Shield, visit a retail shop near you.
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Place Categories: Pest & Disease Control and Silver Nutrient Solutions.
Drew, Apr 23, 2013 - Colloidal Shield
I use this in my soil, works great. I like that it’s all organic, the micro-organisms break down the particles restoring cell structure. I haven’t had any pest problems while using this. I heard there’s a way to get females to pollenate creating feminised seeds using colloidal silver but I personally haven’t tried it out yet.