Dyna-Gro Neem Seed Meal Organic Fertilizer

  • neemseedmeal

Neem seed meal is the by-product of cold pressing
the seed of the neem tree for its oil. What is left after
extracting the oil is an excellent organic fertilizer
with high N-P-K values and slow release properties.
It contains more nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,
calcium and magnesium than manure or sewage
sludge, and provides a variety of benefits to plants
and the growing medium.
In India, neem seed meal is used as a time released
fertilizer for high dollar crops like sugar cane and
vegetables because it enhances the crop yields.

dyna gro neem seed meal organic fertilizer

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Place Categories: Dyna-Gro, Dyna-Gro, and Organic Nutrients.

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