Dyna-Mite Leaf Sheen is a concentrated foliar plant care product designed to alleviate or remove plant stress factors and boost plant vitality under light conditions. Regular use removes accumulated debris that can be toxic to plants and encourage pest and disease outbreaks. In addition, the natural plant oils in Dyna-Mite Leaf Sheen bond with the leaf surface to form a protective layer reducing water and nutrient loss.
Eliminating plant stresses from environmental toxins, excess salts and other debris on plants can alleviate many of the factors that reduce growth and yield and encourage pests and diseases and treat them before they become a problem.
Nano-surface technology
Removes toxins and other contaminants from leaf and flower surfaces
Helps retain moisture and nutrients
Promotes enhanced plant health and vigor
Improves harvest quality and weight
Contains natural plant extracts
Non-toxic,food grade active components
Safe for plants
Clean plants are less susceptible to pests and disease
Spray right up until the day of harvest
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Place Categories: American Hydroponics and Plant Care.

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