World renowned as a “Premier” Bloom Formula plant food. A natural-organic liquid fertilizer formulated for indoor/outdoor blooming plants that will assist in the rich development of flowers, fruit and vegetables, as well as aid in the creation of essential oils, resins and fragrances of flowering and fruiting plants. Use at first sign of budding and throughout the flowering/production period. May be used for plants that do not require nitrogen, such as cactus and legumes. Earth Juice Grow and Bloom formulas may be mixed and used together. Best used for hand-feeding applications. Indoor/Outdoor plants. Planting mixes, coir and native soils. Available sizes: Pints, Quarts, Gallons, 2.5 Gallons, 5 Gallons & 55 Gallons.
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Place Categories: Earth Juice and Nutrients.
Mary Williams, Mar 20, 2013 - Earth Juice® Bloom™ “Original Formula” J001
I’m the type of grower that likes to feed my plants every day so Earth Juice works well for me. On my feeding schedule I use it 3 days out of the week and use additives between those days. I love that it’s organic so whether you apply this once a month or every day your roots won’t burn. Although it’s not super concentrated which is why it’s so cheap.
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