Made in Humboldt,CA! Hazel Parker is proud to offer you our best-seller, Fast Green Hand Clean. This unique, all natural hand cleaner allows you to rid your hands of sticky substances without the need for soap and water. Fast Green Hand Clean was designed to effectively remove resin, tree sap, chewing gum, car grease, sticker residue, latex caulk, roof cement, grime and more. Don’t hesitate to explore the many uses of Fast Green Hand Clean – its not just for hands. This miracle cleaner has also been proven safe and effective for cleaning the grime from the strings and neck of your guitar!
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Place Categories: Garden Accessories and Hazel Parker.

a.n., Aug 07, 2013 - Fast Green Hand Clean
This stuff is the best! Best of all, it’s perfect on the go. You don’t need soap and water like some other hand cleaners. And it’s all organic ingredients on top of that! The bottle goes a long way too, very concentrated. Love this stuff!