Fox Farm Tiger Bloom®

  • TigerBloom_pair_ab35e1b735736febf91b304d2a2b6258

Ready to bloom? Tiger Bloom® makes it happen. This is an ultra-potent, fast-acting, high-phosphorus fertilizer with just enough nitrogen to sustain healthy, vigorous green growth during flowering.

FoxFarm Tiger Bloom® is an ultra potent, fast acting, high phosphorus fertilizer that also contains a good supply of nitrogen for growth and vigor. It is formulated with a low pH to maintain stability in storage and keep micronutrients available. Tiger Bloom® can be used for both hydroponic and soil applications. When used as directed Tiger Bloom® encourages abundant fruit, flower, and multiple bud development. Use Tiger Bloom® at the first signs of flowering through harvest.

Garden tip: Use Tiger Bloom® at the first sign of flowering at the rate of 2-3 teaspoons per gallon of water. It can also be used as a foliar fertilizer; just apply it to both sides of leaves early in the morning. To extend flowering or fruiting, add our Big Bloom™ liquid fertilizer late in the season.

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Place Categories: Fox Farm and Nutrients.

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  1. spencer, Nov 06, 2013 - Fox Farm Tiger Bloom®

    you can honestly see a big difference within the first 3 weeks! anyone who wants massive bulb/bud production should really think about getting this product…it’s easy to mix the concentrate and produces hella gallons of natural fertilizer….thanks foxfarm for your great product -spencer

    This stuff is awesome, could see a big difference within the first 2 weeks. I would recomend this to anyone who is interested in massive bulb/bud production. Easy to mix concentrate will produce MANY Gallons of all natural fertilizer. Dont know how i ever got along without it; will soon be purchasing the other FoxFarms products (Grow Big/Big Bloom). thanks FoxFarms and amazon for providing an excellent product at a descent price!

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