Floralicious® Plus is a vegan bio plant stimulator & nutrient additive. It is everything that is Floralicious except it has been formulated to be utilized in both the vegetative and regenerative, or the flowering, stages of growth. Floralicious Plus stimulates microbial activity in the plant’s root zone. This metabolic fuel solution is packed with powerful vitamins, complex plant sugars, protein building amino acids, seaweed extracts, carbon building blocks & aromatic oils all in a fulvic acid base.
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Place Categories: General Hydroponics and Nutrient Additives.

austin, Oct 17, 2013 - General Hydroponics Floralicious Plus
started using this with flora bloom and my garden has really just bloomed. they were looking kinda sick i didn’t think they were gonna make it much longer, but since i added this it looks like they went to the doctor and got prescribed some medicine cuz now they’re lookin good (;
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