FLORA NOVA BLOOM: Promotes explosive flowering and fruiting. FloraNova Bloom induces phenomenal aroma, taste, and colors while delivering extraordinary yields.
FLORA NOVA Liquid Super Concentrated Nutrient
FloraNova represents a breakthrough in fertilizer technology, as it gives users both the strength of a dry concentrate and the ease of a liquid. This unique formulation of highly purified minerals and natural additives combines the benefits of hydroponics with organic gardening methods. FloraNova one part formulation, with all the elements required for hydroponic cultivation, and is extremely concentrated. A very small amount of FloraNova mixed with fresh water will provide your plants with proper nutrition, with one container lasting a long time. FloraNova works superbly in hydroponic environments, as well as with both soilless mixtures and soil-grown plants.
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Place Categories: General Hydroponics and Nutrients.
thumper, Oct 17, 2013 - General Hydroponics FloraNova Bloom
i originally purchased this with the plan of starting a hydroponic system, watering them by hand did not turn out working to well and everything ended up dying becasue they needed to be watered more than i had time for, so i switched to soil. My friend had miracle grow and said that it worked good for first timers like myself, tryna start plants from seeds. My plants began showing signs of nutrient deficiencies as they got bigger. I reserched it online and ended up adding flora nova to water. This made a huge impact, not only did all problems clear up, but the plants started looking healthier and bigger! I added 2 teaspoons to every gallon of water…so happy to find this product.
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