cold processed squid
BioMarine® is an organic fertilizer derived from squid. We choose squid due to the huge populations in the oceans that are out of balance with fish populations. Squid have the added benefit of high protein plus polysaccharide content. This supports healthy plant growth and stimulates microbiology in the root zone. BioMarine benefits all types of plants during all phases of growth from seedling through harvest. Use as a standalone fertilizer for plants growing in rich organic soils, or as a nutrient supplement in addition to other products in the General Organics® line for more complete or specialized plant nutrition.
Highly recommended for cuttings and transplants!
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Place Categories: General Organics, General Organics, and Organic Nutrients.
danny, Oct 23, 2013 - General Organics BioMarine
i never would have thought using squid on my plants would enhance their growth but man it sure has! my old lady bought some biomarine and started using it on my flowers while i was out of town taking care of some business and when i got back my flowers looked so much bigger, and greener! I was in shock. I went into the room and was like babe look how good my babies are doing, when she told me why i was speechless! highly reccommend this for ne serious growers.
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