House & Garden’s Algen Extract is a premium blend of Norwegian Sea Kelp containing high levels of active ingredients. Algen Extract promotes vigorous vegetative growth as well as aiding the plant’s nutrient uptake. Made in small batches, you can be sure Algen Extract will always be fresh.
Derived From: Ammonium Nitrate, Nitric Acid, Potassium Hydroxide
Ingredients Explained: This product is extracted from Norwegian Sea Kelp by way of “cold press” technology. This process is designed to preserve active ingredients from the Norwegian Sea all the way to your garden. House & Garden maintains their own nutrient manufacturing facility as well as their own laboratories where they continually test each batch of fertilizer they produce. This ensures that gardeners employing House & Garden receive high quality, consistent products.
Application: Add to nutrient solution.
Available Sizes: 250mL, 500mL, 1L & 5L
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Place Categories: House and Garden and Nutrient Additives.
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