House and Garden Aqua Flakes A&B

  • Aqua Flakes

House & Garden’s Aqua Flakes A&B is a two part base nutrient designed for recirculating hydroponics systems. Aqua Flakes A&B liquid formulation contains no bulking agents or additional additives. House & Garden’s Aqua Flakes A&B nutrient provides the plant with high quality nutrition during the growth and flowering periods. Aqua Flakes A&B is composed of liquid main and trace elements and contains no bulking agents like solid fertilizers. Our liquid formulation is 100% water soluble and its unique composition assists with the transfer of nutrients from the root zone into the foliage. Application dosage may be adjusted to both normal and aggressive strengths.

Derived From: Calcium Nitrate, Ammonium Nitrate, Nitric Acid, Potassium Hydroxide, Phosphoric Acid Anhydride, Magnesium Sulfate.

Ingredients Explained: The complete base nutrient for expanded clay, Oasis Cubes, Rockwool and Coco. Aqua Flakes A&B is specially formulated for recirculating hydroponic systems. As with all House & Garden products, Aqua Flakes A&B is extremely concentrated and has a low dilution rate. House & Garden maintains their own nutrient manufacturing facility as well as their own laboratories where they continually test each batch of fertilizer they produce. This ensures that gardeners employing House & Garden receive high quality, consistent products.

Application: Aqua Flakes A&B is the complete macro/micro nutrient for the plant’s entire life, dosage will very.

Available Sizes: 1L, 5L, 10L & 20L

aquacoco label

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Place Categories: House and Garden and Nutrients.

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