Liquid Ladybug

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Liquid Ladybug™ Spider Mite Killer

The Best Way to Control Spider Mites!

Liquid Ladybug™ is the only spider mite killer safe to use on flowers (see video). It suffocates not poisons the mites and evaporates away leaving no residue after treatment. It’s 100% organic, safe to use from seedling to harvest, safe to use with lights on and does not stress plants – allowing daily use if desired. Designed as a zero environmental impact pesticide, Liquid Ladybug™ is safe for people, pets and plants.

+ 100% Organic
+ For All Plants & Food Crops
+ Safe To Use Daily
+ Safe To Use With Lights On
+ Safe To Use During Flowering
+ Safe To Use With Bare Hands
+ Safe To Use From Seedling To Harvest
+ Does Not Stress Plants
+ Evaporates Away After Treatment
+ Leaves No Residue, Odor Or Taste
+ Prevents Post-Combustion By-Products
+ Non-Toxic – No Petrochemicals
+ Safe For People, Pets And Plants
Two Spotted Spider Mite

Two Spotted Spider Mite

Using poison on plants is not the smart way to control spider mites. Liquid Ladybug™ merely suffocates mites instead of poisoning them. Only a few organic oils are effective for spider mite control and most spider mite sprays try to employ these natural oils to no meaningful effect. Coating the plant in any oil can suffocate the plant by covering the Stoma openings that the leaf uses to breath. We have designed a formulation of oils to cause rapid evaporation using our innovative proprietary process. This makes Liquid Ladybug™ the only miticide to evaporate off the plant in 25 to 40 minutes, and that’s why these same oils in other products can’t evaporate and do leave residues. Clever is better. Our scientist is trained in physics, chemistry, botany and physiology to integrate the requirements for safety not only for the plant, but for the person growing the plant. Liquid Ladybug™ cannot hurt you or your plants. We have raised the bar in this industry for your safety. Try Liquid Ladybug™ today, you’ll be glad you did!
Evidence of a Spider Mite Infestation

Plants under attack by spider mites exhibit unique changes in health; white dots on the top of leaf surfaces, discoloration of leaves, fine silken webbing that covers the tops of plants, and yellowing of leaf surfaces. Once these signs are evident, you must treat the problem immediately or the plant will surely die.
Stippling – Evidence of Spider Mite Damage

Stippling – Evidence of Spider Mite Damage
Advanced Silk Webbing

Advanced Silk Webbing
Spider Mite Control and Treatment

Liquid Ladybug™ is the best spider mite killer on the market today. It kills mites on contact and its knock down power is amazing. After all, dead mites can’t lay eggs and egg eradication is essential to ending an infestation. Our unique formula allows for daily use and a new regime of treatment is now available because Liquid Ladybug™ does not stress plant tissue. Instead of having to wait six days between treatments, as required by other miticide’s, so the plant can recover from the treatment, you can apply Liquid Ladybug™ daily. Our new way to knock out an infestation is spray two days in a row to kill all adult and nymph mite’s which will end the feeding frenzy. Then after six days spray one more time to kill any surviving eggs trying to hatch and that’s it. In hot weather its best to spray in the morning or evening because dwell time determines effectiveness. Outside in the summer and fall when the heat is on, Liquid Ladybug™ will evaporate more rapidly so morning is the best time to apply. Also wind is a factor affecting evaporation time. When treating plants outside wait for still air, like in the morning. If it’s windy outside cover plants after application for about a half hour. In a controlled environment, like a greenhouse, spray anytime. Just turn fans off during treatment until Liquid Ladybug™ evaporates.

We also recommend using a Liquid Ladybug Mite Shield during and after treatment. This simple idea provides a barrier to isolate the roots from the green parts of the plant and prevents re-infestation from mites that have either over-wintered or are residing in indoor growing mediums.
Liquid Ladybug™ is Effective in Controlling:

• Two spotted spider mites
• Red spider mites
• Red palm mite
• Cyclamen mites
• Broad mites
• Rust mites
• Aphids
• Fungus gnats
• Whiteflies
• Thrips
Spider Mite Prevention

Be aware that mite infestations can occur easily. Mites are so small that they can come in on clothing, shoes, pets and even blow in through your air inlet ducks for indoor growing. The most prevalent way is by bringing new plants that are already infested into your growing area.

You don’t have to wait until you see mites to use Liquid Ladybug™ because it doesn’t hurt plants and treatment does not interrupt growth. You can spray monthly to prevent outbreaks as a harmless insurance policy. It’s that ounce of prevention that’s worth gallons of cure. Using the Liquid Ladybug Mite Shield also helps to make removal of mite infestations easier, so use the mite shield every time you spray and your growing medium will not act as a storehouse of mites that can walk right up the stem again and get a colony going.
Product Safety Statement

Liquid Ladybug™ is Fifra 25(b) compliant as a minimum risk bio-miticide. That means that the EPA assures that our formula is so safe it doesn’t even have to be registered as a pesticide.

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Place Categories: Eco Organics and Pest & Disease Control.

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  1. Sarah, Apr 25, 2013 - Liquid Ladybug

    Last year I had a problem during harvest. I started noticing all of these white flies, spider mites, along with who knows what pests. Ended up going to Friedman’s to buy Lady Bugs, turns out you can only buy them by like the 500 or some crazy amount. Only about 50 of them actually stayed in my greenhouse but they didn’t really seem to help. They’d just be chillin on the top leaves while I see the pests doing the same on the bottom leaves. SO GLAD I discovered Liquid Ladybug this year. You can actually spray it during harvest without it leaving any residue This effectively got rid of all the pests this year, no more money flying out of the greenhouse!

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