• ltl_co2air

The CO2 Air by LTL Controls will control the CO2 within your grow area with parts per million accuracy. This controller features a remote combination sensor probe that includes a light sensor and a highly accurate NDIR CO2 sensor. The sensor is designed to quickly react to changes in the growing area and to resist EMI / EFI from electronic ballasts.

The CO2 Air has a standard power receptacle to connect your CO2 device (compressed or generator) and can be set to increase or decrease CO2 levels (if used with an exhaust fan). The CO2 Air can be programmed to activate during the Daytime, Nighttime, or 24 Hours using the built-in photocell and it also has a feature to recall the Minimum and Maximum CO2 levels.

For added convenience you may hook up the CO2 Air to the power source of an exhaust fan controlled by a separate controller and the CO2 Air will automatically disable CO2 production while the exhaust fan is running in order to eliminate CO2 waste.

Used to Control:
– CO2

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Place Categories: Controllers and DL Wholesale Control.Place Tags: DL wholesale.

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