LTL Stage 2 – Advanced Recycling Timer

  • ltl_stage2

The Stage 2 by LTL Controls is a multi-function recycling timer that operates with an extremely high level of accuracy, reliability, and precision all the way down to the individual second. The Stage 2 is actually 2 separate timers that each control 2 outlets. For each set of outlets, when 1 is on, the other will be off, and vice versa.

The Stage 2 is designed to activate any device (pumps, fans, lights, etc.) at precise intervals, and it allows the user to select a Day, Night, or 24 Hour mode which the built-in photocell will automatically respond to.

For added convenience and customization, the Stage 2 also allows you to select how the timers will react in the event of a power interruption.

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Place Categories: Controllers and DL Wholesale Control.Place Tags: DL wholesale.

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