Measure Me Plastic Cup 500 ml
The Measure Me Plastic Cup is a utensil used primarily to measure the volume of liquid or bulk solid ingredients. It features an easy to read conversion chart of all popular measurements for quick reference. The Measure Me Plastic Cup is made of translucent durable and virtually un-breakable plastic. Measured product volume can be easily read from the scale marked on the inside. Available in a wide range of sizes for 250ml to 5000ml to fit everyones needs.
-High Impact Resistance
-Food Contact Acceptable
-Flame Retardant
-Strengthened handle
-High Heat Resistance
-Universal USA and Metric measurements
10 ml. increments from 0-500 ml.
Fractional ltr. increments from 0-1/2 ltr.
Case quantity = 200
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Place Categories: DL Wholesale GA and Garden Accessories.

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