Nutrilife Pro Guard

  • Nutrilife Pro Guard

Pro Guard Potassium Silicate

Improves plant tolerability to heat and drought – Beneficial to plant health and development – Contains Silicon & Potash.

Silicone is a major building block that all life is based on. Plants are mostly made up of silicone and water, so Pro- Guard is beneficial to all plants.

Potassium silicate also helps the plants build stronger cell walls, which helps reduce transpiration at higher temperatures.

The result of reduced transpiration, (especially for propagation), is that cuttings will not sweat (transpire) their water.

With less transpiration, plants will retain more water in their cells reducing plant stress in the case of under watering or drought conditions.

Pro-Guard can be used During all Stages of Growth.

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Place Categories: Nutrilife and Plant Care.

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  1. Johnathan, May 23, 2013 - Nutrilife Pro Guard

    This is a must have up here in Northern Cali, during the summer temps can reach a scorching 100 degrees that have the plants shrivel up from dehydration. I have a green house and last season I had temperatures reach 113 and this Pro Guard helped them survive the sauna!

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