Orca is an exciting new product from the people who brought you great white. Representing the pinnacle of biological inoculants, Orca is a highly concentrate mycorrhizal and beneficial bacteria product. Bringing together 4 highly effective endo mycorrhizal species with 11 super aggresive bacteria strains this all-in-one inoculant is all you need when it comes to beneficials. Never before has such a powerful inoculant been so clean, easy to apply and affordable.
Easy to Use
Highly concentrated
-Drought stress
-Water and fertilizer needs
-Flowering and fruiting
-Water and nutrient storage and uptake
-Root growth
-Extensive root system
-Soil structure
-Plant establishment
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Place Categories: Nutrient Additives and Orca.

Michael Kelley, Apr 05, 2013 - Orca
Great White is great for soil but if you’re looking for a more concentrated version for your hydro, I highly recommend Orca. It specializes in their microbes and uses them in high levels instead of including different microbes that won’t highly benefit your garden. Not to mention these microbes deliver to the roots twice as fast when mixed with water, I see results within a day when I put Orca in my reservoir. One bottle of this will go a long way!
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