ORCA Grow Film® provides the following unique advantages over traditional reflective foils:
99% Diffuse Surface: Microfiber structure creates even light distribution across material surface regardless of incident angle of light. The resulting isotropic surface luminance eliminates hot spots and does not require surface to be hung flat during installation.
– Diffuse vs. Specular and Why diffuse reflection matters.
Highly Reflective Surface: Measured at 94% reflectivity across the full visible light spectrum. ORCA Grow Film® is the highest performing reflective surface in the hydroponic industry.
– Performance comparison
– What does full visible light spectrum mean and why does it matter?
Thermally Reflecting: High infrared reflectance keeps heat where it should be. (More)
100% Light Tight.
No Color Shift or Iridescence: Light reflected from surface maintains the original color wavelength so you get the full spectrum from your lamps. (More)
Durable, puncture and tear resistance: 11 mil thick
Waterproof Washable & cleanable with common household cleaners:
Mold and algae growth resistant.
UV Protected and Stable: Blocks out harmful UV light with wavelength below 400nm, material does not yellow. (More)
Recyclable eco-friendly material containing no halogens, plasticizers or VOCs.
Made in Canada
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Place Categories: Garden Accessories and Orca.

67hope, Oct 14, 2013 - ORCA Grow Film
Really like how easy to hang this product is…can hang it with no tears, no wrinkles, its easy to clean, extremely durable…like it better than easy grow reflective, haven’t tried mylar my friend told me to try this and i did then loved it so haven’t had the need too…only downfall is this costs twice as much as mylar…oh well tho would rather have a better product…
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Ryan Michoy, Apr 05, 2013 - ORCA Grow Film
Love the texture of this, finally threw away my discolored mylar after my friend told me about this stuff. I lined my grow room walls with it and cut out circles to put above the containers right below the lower branches, I’ve already seen a difference, the mylar mirrors the heat and magnifies it which burned the leaves of my plants while this Orca Film keeps the heat in and reflects the wavelengths without doing damage.
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