Our original Aeroponic System
The EZ-CLONE Original Cloning System was first launched in 2000. It was quickly recognized by growers across the nation as the #1 Aeroponic Plant Cloning System, offering the fastest and most reliable results available. Producing the most healthy and prolific roots for indoor gardeners. The EZ-CLONE Original revolutionized the aeroponic cloning market and soon became the top selling cloning system throughout the hydroponic industry, winning awards from magazines and other industry experts, such as “Best Aeroponic Cloning System” and “Best New Horticultural Product”. The EZ-CLONE Original is no longer in production with the introduction of the EZ-CLONE Classic. The Classic has all of the bells and whistles of the Original, but with multiple improvements and upgrades, ensuring that EZ-CLONE stays ahead of the game and continues to offer the highest quality product available.
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Place Categories: eZ Clone, EZ-CLONE, Hydro Systems, and Seed Starting & Cloning.

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