ProZyme – 55 Gal. – Humboldt Nutrients

  • prozyme-5-gallon-2

ProZyme is an enzymatic treatment for growing mediums. Enzymes are biological catalysts, derived from living organisms, and catalysts increase the speed of naturally occurring chemical reactions. ProZyme is a concentrate, made up of over 80 different beneficial enzymes. Humboldt Nutrients employs the foremost experts in horticultural enzymes to formulate ProZyme into a highly diverse blend of enzymatic compounds. The result is a rich, dark biological which will break down dead root mass, starches, and nutrients to make them readily available and useful to the plant. Competing enzyme concentrates are clear in appearance, indicating low enzymatic species count.

ProZyme is a natural biological key, carrying the elements necessary for plant health, and delivering them into the cell wall for maximum absorption. Organic and conventional nutrients can contain complex macromolecules which are harder for a plant to break down and absorb than smaller compounds.

ProZyme stimulates the

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Place Categories: DL Wholesale N and Nutrients.Place Tags: DL wholesale.

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