The Radiant is designed to deliver the brightest possible light down to your plants. The patented double-wall design and generous reflective cavity make it the coolest running fixture on the market. Constructed of heavy duty pre-galvanized steel and lined with high purity European aluminum, the Radiant will give years of dependable growing performance.
Cool running patented double-wall design allows placement of light closer to plant
(US Pat. 6,595,662 B2, D456,938 S)
Multi-faceted computer-designed aluminum interior for maximum efficiency
Made from premium German materials, 99.85% pure 95% reflectivity
Hangers, & lighting recommendations included
25 year warranty on reflective materials
CSA certified
Reflector Size: 9-3/8″H x 21″W x 21″L
Accepts: Sodium 250, 400, 430, 600, 750, 1000 – Halide 250, 400, 600, 1000
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Place Categories: Grow Light Reflectors and Radiant.

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