6.5 – 2.0 -1.5
The idea behind Rootamentary is to provide the fundamental essential elements for plants to grow. We took a chemical analysis of a plant and formulated a nutrient to match those numbers. It contains not only N-P-K and an array of minerals essential for plant health, but it also delivers naturally derived root growth compounds. The larger a plant’s root system, the larger the plant itself.
Rootamentary is named such because it contains the fundamental elements for plants to reach their full potential. If a plant is deficient in early development, it will never reach its full genetic potential. Think of the way a plant grows in nature, the NPK of the soil doesn’t change much throughout the season. It is in the early stages of growth and root development that the plant is getting an idea what is available to it in the soil. If there isn’t enough of something, it knows not to waste too much energy trying to get big, but rather, hold back and save some energy for reproduction. Rootamentary is designed to speak the plants language and tell it what it needs to hear to go big and not hold back.
We are flipping the focus. The plant you see above ground is a mirror image of its root system. If you grow large roots, you’ll grow large plants!
Rootamentary’s special formula is crafted with your roots in mind. Add this product to your garden and just watch the results.
Rootamentary is designed to be used throughout early growth, vegetative and early fruiting/flowering. It can be used as a stand-alone feed or in conjunction with any existing feeding program.
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Place Categories: Beneficial Biologics and Nutrient Additives.

tommy, Oct 23, 2013 - Primordial Solutions – Rootamentary
put rootmentary on my squash and went back into my grow room the next day and they doubled in size no joke. its been 23 days now and they have not stopped growing! if you want bigger plants this product is a fast cheap solution – tom
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Ann Rogers, Apr 05, 2013 - Primordial Solutions – Rootamentary
Wow is all I can say. I used Rootamentary last spring with my perennials in 3 gallon containers and within 2 weeks the roots were already starting to root ball.; transplanted them into my raised beds and continued to use this product. They wouldn’t stop growing, I think I’m going to need a bigger raised bed this year. Time to get my husband off the couch and back in the garden!
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