Buddha Bloom 0.5–2–1
Roots Organics Buddha Bloom is a one part organic flowering nutrient formulated for potting soil and potting soilless gardens. Buddha Bloom is a proprietary blend of the finest organic ingredients specifically created to promote vigor, increase yields and enhance quality in potting soil grown plants during the flowering stage of their life. Worldwide sourcing and deliberate design extracted and condensed into an exceptional liquid blend targeted to encourage excellence from your plants.
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Rodgaroo, Mar 21, 2013 - Root’s Organics – Buddha Bloom
I’ve used this before and it worked great. Something in there attracts little knats, I think it’s the bat guano but most organic nutrients are going to attract insects that want to feed on the nutrients. You don’t have to worry about the Ph since it’s all organic but you can leave it out for a day to give it some air since it’s so concentrated. I personally would rather have a blooming nutrient with higher P + K without any nitrogen at all. Don’t get me wrong this is still a great nutrient though if you’re going all organic.
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