Safer Brand Houseplant Sticky Stakes

  • 5026

The Safer® Brand Houseplant Sticky Stakesare ideal for use indoors or outdoors in potted plants.  An economical and convenient solution to the annoyances of whiteflies, fungus gnats, blackflies, thrips, fruit flies, midges and other flying insects.  This natural pest control trap contains no pesticides and is fully disposable.

safeThe yellow color of the trap as well as the glue will attract the insects. Shake the plant gently and insects hidden on the leaves will fly to the traps.

Directions For Use:

  1. Bend the flaps of the pointed end of the strips as shown. This will make it easier to insert the stake into the soil. Alternatively, you can hang the strips from the plant itself.
  2. Peel off the clear plastic sheets on either side of the plastic strip, exposing the adhesive.
  3. Place the strip into the soil at the base of the plant.
  4. To dispose of used strips, wrap in newspaper and dispose in the trash.

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Place Categories: Garden Accessories and Safer Brand.

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