Safer Brand Tomato and Vegetable Insect Killer

  • 5085

Destroy the insects, not your plants!!  This product is gentle on your tomatoes and vegetables and can be used up until the day of harvest, so you can safely enjoy the organic foods you’ve grown.


tomato cluster - description of Tomato and Vegetable Insect Killer

Safer® Tomato and Vegetable Insect Killer combines the effectiveness of pyrethrins and potassium salts of fatty acids and kills on contact but does not harm your plants!  The pyrethrins attack the insect’s nervous system and potassium salts weaken the insect’s protective outer shell, adding up to a lethal insect killer!


The ability to use this product on tomatoes and a wide array of other vegetables offers the most economical and convenient solution to garden annoyances available on the market!  OMRI Listed® and compliant for use in organic gardening.


Apply every 7-10 days when insects are present or as needed to prevent further damage.  It can be applied directly to fruits and vegetables right up until the day of harvest!


What it kills?

Aphids, asparagus beetles, bean beetles, cabbage loopers, caterpillars, colorado potato beetles, cucumber beetles, diamon backed moth, flea beetles, imported cabbageworm, leafhoppers, plant bugs, tomato hornworm and whiteflies.


Where to use it?

Asparagus, beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, eggplant ,herbs, kale, lettuce, peppers, potatoes, squash, tomatoes


How to use it?

1. Shake well.

2. Use at first sighting of insects

3. Thoroughly moisten all plant surfaces where insects are feeding or resting.

4. Apply every 7-10 days when insects are present or as needed to prevent damage

5. Can be used up until the day of harvest!

3,638 total views

Place Categories: Pest & Disease Control and Safer Brand.

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