SolisTek High Pressure Sodium (HPS)

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SolisTek High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Digital Lamps

SolisTek High Frequency HPS offers:

-Color Enhanced Full Balanced Spectrum
-Prolonged Lamp Life
-Less Depreciation of PAR and Lumen Output over time.
-Precise Gas Combination for Increased Blues, Reds & UV
-As Reliable & Efficient as Core & Coil (magnetic) when paired with SolisTek Ballasts
-True High Frequency Technology


-Superior Photochemical Reactions
-Proper UV Balance
-Advanced HID Lamp Design
-Lamps made by Life Scientists for plants -Best Sunlight Replication
-Designed for Commercial Applications
-Made for Quality, Consistency & Yield

High Frequency, Pulse-start Digital Lamps

Featuring Low Iron (Low-E) glass for enhanced UVA and UVB penetration to your plants for higher quality and yield!
Our special low iron glass allows for more UV spectrums to get to your plants and flowers. Low iron glass is composed of purified materials free from contaminants that make the glass extra clear. Usually glass has a green tint to it, these are impurities possibly from recycled materials. It has been proven that Low-E glass allows more UV light to pass through.

Available in 1000w, 600w & 400w
Optimal for all stages of growth

Why digital lighting? The Sun is high frequency. In order to make artificial light behave more like natural Sunlight it needs to be high frequency. Digital lighting makes for a higher quality of light
that’s good for all living things…

This is only possible if you have the proper lamp and ballast combination.

STK Lamps contain UVA-UVB and the upper portion of UVC.
Exercise caution when working around any HID lamp that contains UV, always wear protective lenses.

Specifications for High Pressure Sodium:


Initial Lumens: 150,000
Color Temp: 2100
Rated Life: 24,000 hours
CRI: <30
Hot Restart 3-5 min
ANSI Spec: S52
Product #: ST-HPS1000

Initial Lumens: 90,000
Color Temp: 2000
Rated Life: 20,000 hours
CRI: 22
Hot Restart 3-5 min
ANSI Spec: S106
Product #: ST-HPS600

Initial Lumens: 55,500
Color Temp: 2000
Rated Life: 24,000 hours
CRI: 20
Hot Restart 3-5 min
ANSI Spec: S51
Product #: ST-HPS400

Don’t buy H.I.D. lamps and electronic ballasts that aren’t a matched set!

Buying mis-matched components creates hardware conflicts that cause pre-mature failures!

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Place Categories: Grow Light Bulbs and SolisTek.

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