
  • Spray-N-Grow

Not a fertilizer, nutrient or hormone, Spray-N-Grow is a foliar feed micronutrient complex that dramatically affects plants. Use Spray-N-Grow to make your hydroponic plants grow, thrive and produce.

Benefits include increased fruit set, increased yields, increased size by weight and diameter, increased root mass, earlier blooming and harvest, higher vitamin and mineral content, and increased shelf-life. Spray-N-Grow is made of naturally occurring elements that are essential for plant growth. Your nutrient solution provides your plants with major elements necessary for plant growth and Spray-N-Grow provides your plants with essential minor elements plants need, too. The ingredients in Spray-N-Grow are blended to act as one synergistic ingredient, when activated, to give your plants more of what they need to be their very best.

Proven in hydroponics greenhouse trials, Spray-N-Grow benefits include larger fruits, flowers and blooms, more blooms and fruit, larger roots, earlier blooming and harvest, higher vitamin and mineral content, and increased shelf-life.

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Place Categories: Nutrient Additives and Spray-N-Grow.

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