The EZ Roots Aeration Liners

  • The EZ Roots Aeration Liners

The EZ Roots Aeration Liners are constructed of high quality non woven fabric. This fabric provides great support, while allowing air to travel into the root system. The EZ Root Liners have sturdy handles, making lifting and transporting a breeze. Using the EZ Root Liners, with the EZ Root Frames, gives you the added oxygen to the root zone, while maintaining proper support for your plant. This patent pending design allows you to move your plants without the damage that occurs with standard grow bags. EZ Root Aeration Liners are available in the following sizes: #1, #2, #3, #5 and #7.

Proper oxygen levels in the root system, helps in facilitating nutrient uptake. The EZ Roots Aeration Frame is a heavy duty plastic frame with engineered air entry points to introduce oxygen to the root zone. It also provides air pruning of the roots, giving you strong lateral root growth, while reducing thin spiraling roots. The EZ Root Aeration Frames incorporate legs at the bottom of the frame to provide air flow under the container. This keeps mold and pathogens from forming at the bottom of the container from overwatering. EZ Root Aeration Frames can be used in ebb and flow systems, as a standalone grow container or used with the EZ Root Cloth Liner. EZ Root Aeration Frames are available in the following sizes: #1, #2, #3, #5 and #7.

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Place Categories: Northwest Trellis and Pots Containers.

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  1. jessie, Oct 10, 2013 - The EZ Roots Aeration Liners

    Their easier to use then most liners, i like that there made of high quality fabric, great support while allowing air to flow through…Also liked the handles..easier to lift and transport.

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  2. Tommy, Sep 05, 2013 - The EZ Roots Aeration Liners

    These are easier to set up than a smart pot because the fabric is thicker and will not work as well.

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  3. Brian, May 28, 2013 - The EZ Roots Aeration Liners

    I find them to be more sturdy than the smart pot. Easy to move around thanks to the handles. I put mine inside of regular pots spray painted white so that it doesn’t absorb too much heat, sometimes that’s the problem with aeration containers (the roots burn because the container fabric is so thin).

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