Triflex® Base 2-0-3

  • Triflex® Base 2-0-3

Triflex is a scientifically formulated, three-part, bio-organic nutrient system for plants.
Triflex incorporates the best features of well known formulas to yield a three-part nutrient of inorganic salts, enhanced with organic based ingredients, which produces incomparable plant growth and development. Triflex enables plants to reach their full genetic potential. Formulated primarily for soilless hydroponics with fruiting and flowering crops, Triflex can also be used to cultivate plants in container gardens, outperforming conventional chemical fertilizers. Triflex is created in small batches to insure quality and consistency.The formulations contain no dyes or harmful preservatives. Each batch is tested for purity and is free from contamination.
Larger root systems.
Increased plant biomass.
Lush, green, healthy plants.
Increased nutritional value, flavor and aromas in fruits, flowers and vegetables.

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Place Categories: Botanicare and Nutrients.

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